Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ring of Blood & Kurenai Rep

I did the Ring of Blood and Amphitheater of Anguish a couple months back for the achievement. I had to have my pally husband help me because at the time, I was not dual-spec'ed and therefore my only tanking pet was Colbert (my gorilla). Colbert was good but not great, having a pally definitely helped.

Tonight I was farming Kurenai rep in Nagrand when a 66 DK whispered me and asked if I could help him do Ring of Blood. I agreed because I really wasn't doing anything better and when I was leveling there were plenty of high levels that I would give props to if I could remember their names. Since I am now duel-spec'ed as a BM and survivalist, and we now have the lovely "Call Stabled Pet" feature, I have an instant tank just about whenever I need it. You guessed it, I pulled out Worm and he rocked the house. The DK had apparently defeated the first boss already because we started with the twins and my worm had no problems holding their attention while we DPS'ed them down. I didn't even have to heal Worm all that much. The only time we ran into trouble was on the last guy. The DK wiped and then the guy killed my worm (the boss was doing a crap load of damage) so I had to feign death and wait for him to phase out. The DK came back and agreed to stay far back this time, since it had been a AOE that had killed him. We made it, barely, but we killed him on the second try. When Super (short for Supersamerai, my husband's pally) and I did it, we were both level 80, as was Colbert I believe. This time, I did it with me, Worm, and a 66 DK, and I definitely owe Worm a big hug because he's the reason we didn't keep wiping. I love that Acid Spit and that he can hold aggro as well as he does. The duel-spec was worth the 1,000g just to be able to have Worm around when I need him.

I also hit exalted with the Argent Crusade today, which means I also got the Argent Vanguard achievement (exalted with Argent Crusade, Kirin Tor, Ebon Blade, and Wyrmrest Temple). I was excited because I knew I was close but I didn't realize that I would ding today, I turned in a daily and there were the two achievements (that sound that plays is the best sound in the game, I think). Garaba and I are competing to have the biggest epeen, so I'll have to make sure he sees that. He's got something like 20 exalted reputations which is ridiculous, but he also is ok with doing mindless, boring things over and over again. I like to be doing something. I like farming rep with the Kurenai because I get to kill as many things as I want and get rep. I went from being mid-way through honored to revered in under an hour (minus the side trip to Ring of Blood) from killing ogres and turning in the obsidian necklaces (10 for 500 rep is not a bad deal at all!). This way, unlike doing dailies for rep, is great because I can do it whenever I feel like as much as I want. I can kill tons of ogres until I get tired of it (or just tired in general, it is now 1:30am) then go and turn in all the necklaces I got. I'm now 3K into revered already and that was just turning in necklaces. I got 1,500 earlier when I didn't realize I had so many necklaces and went "holy crap! 500 for 10, sweet!" and that was when I decided I liked farming Kurenai rep ;)

I'm also farming rep for them for the Leading the Cavalry achievement. I currently need 9 more mounts and I get the Albino Drake. Garaba has it already, he pretty much got that in one day because of all his exalted reputations and because he's an alchemist, so he makes a killing on the AH in one day. I also like collecting things and being rewarded for it. I got Stinker the skunk, from having 50 pets and Ladelyia two bank bags full of clothes that I think are cute, lol. :)

More later, I'm off to bed because I open tomorrow morning, but that means that I'll have Friday night free for WoW. Raiding tomorrow night...?

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