Thursday, May 21, 2009

My little priest is growing up...

I have been grinding like crazy on Kady for the past two days to get her to Outland and the day has finally come! Not only did I get her through the Dark Portal early yesterday morning (about this time actually, lol) with the help of my hubby and another guildie (they ran me through Strat a couple of times), but I also got her up two more levels today while in Outland and she now has swift riding!

She's such a big girl now, I can hardly believe that only a few short months ago I hadn't even picked out her first talent points. The other day while I was grinding with her in the Un'goro Crater, I spoted an undead rogue the same level and immediately started drinking mana and put the bubble up. Of course the idiot had to try and gank me, he was a rogue and that's what they do best, pick on poor "defenseless" priests and other lowbies just for the fun of it. But since I knew he was coming, I was ready.

I had my bubble up and as a human I get the racial move "Every Man For Himself" which let me out of his sap. Once free, I quickly used my new favorite PvP spell: Psychic Horror. If you are a shadow priest you simply MUST put a point in it because it has saved my butt numerous times. It's cost is 16% of your base mana which can be expensive, but again, totally worth it. What it does is cause the target to tremble in horror for 3 seconds while they drop their main hand and ranged weapon for 10 seconds. In that time, I quickly used Shadow Word: Pain (again, so awesome), Devouring Plague (I have points in Improved Devouring Plague which increases the damage done), and spammed Mind Flay which is not only a DOT (you have to channel it which is the only downside, it's very cheap mana-wise though) but it also slows your target's movement speed by 50%. Movement is kind of a big deal for rogues, so naturally this guy did not stand a chance against me with all that damage being done. I did have to heal myself, and he popped a couple of potions or something because his health bar did jump back up rather quickly, but nevertheless, my wonderful little priest took care of him completely. I then mounted up and ran off in case he had level 80 buddies in the area, but that's neither here nor there ;)

I was extremely proud of myself for besting a same-level rogue, especially since I have an awful time dealing with them as Ladelyia, despite my traps, pet, and Hunter's Mark. Ladelyia is simply not geared for melee-anything, especially against someone who is geared soley for melee. Every Man For Himself is such a great move to have, I use it quite frequently as Kady and am sad when Ladelyia get stuck in something and can't get out, lol. Although, Ladelyia does have Feign Death (something else I use all the time) and I often find myself trying to Feign as Kady and of course that doesn't work either XD

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