Monday, May 11, 2009

25-man OS

I ran my very first 25-man Obsidian Sanctuary tonight. We didn't wipe at all, which was great. My guildies and I run the 10-man almost every week, so I could do that raid in my sleep. The issue I had tonight is the same issue that I pretty much have with all 25-man raids: too many people! Lol. A lot of times it's an entire group of pugs, not even a significant part of it is people from the same guild or whatever, this means it's sometimes unorganized and a lot of time, you'll end up with jerks. My particular complaint with tonight's pug is that the token for my (and the other hunters in the group) epic gloves, the valorous gloves, dropped. Technically it's not just for hunters, but seeing as we're the better class, we should get first dibbs ;) A warrior got the token and yes, it's for them too, but he also rolled, and won, on another piece of gear. In a 25-man raid, where the amount of loot doesn't really increase in quantity, one person got two things? That's not cool. Sartharion drops a dragonhide bag and a satchel of spoils which everyone (provided you don't already have a dragonhide bag) can roll on, so everyone has an equal chance of getting loot. Then drops the stuff that's specificly for particular classes and not everyone can roll on that. While it's true that your chances of winning increase based on the number of things you're able to roll on, but does that mean you should, especially if you've already won something? Grabbing two things in a 25-man raid seems like more than a little greedy.

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