Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good news everyone!

After several, not-so-solid attempts at Prof. Putricide, we managed to get him down tonight! This was a very nice boost in our confidence, especially since we couldn't get past a specific point in the Dreamwalker fight. Each time we wiped on the Prof, we managed to get him a little farther down, each wipe we were farther into the fight than the previous attempt. We made tweaks here and there and managed to finally defeat him! This makes me happy because it's one more boss we know we can beat and it's one more boss closer to the Lich King. I got a new mace (Lockjaw) and paired it with what is technically a DPS offhand (Scourgelord's Baton), however I did the math (in between wipes) and I get more stats out of it than if I have my Mag'hari Chieftain's Staff. Wasted stat or not, my heals are still epic XD

Side note, Garaba and Nayana helped me get the EoTS part of the School of Hard Knocks yesterday. We attempted to get the other two, but I fail at BGs so Lade still doesn't have a pink drake. She is one step closer though, and that's good. I don't know yet if Kady will get it. I started doing the Children's Week achievements with her today, but only because I was bored and killing time before raid. I'm off work tomorrow and as a reward for cleaning the house, I'm going to allow myself achievement time later. We're also going to have an alt run in ToC, which should be cool, we'll also do the weekly (this week it's Ignis) and get some more frosties. All in all, a pretty good night tonight :)

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