Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mid Summer Festival and Other Fun Things

The Achievement-Whore that I am, I simply HAD to participate in the Mid Summer festivities, there were just too many achievement points to be "earned." As far as holidays go, doing the achievements was pretty easy and actually worth the time it took to get them. Honoring each of your faction's flames got you 6g plus blossoms that are used for currency and desecrating each of the opposing faction's flames gets you 13g (and blossoms). It's better than doing dailies in Icecrown because it's a change of scenery for each flame and it doesn't add towards your daily count so if you like gold, you can still do your dailies :) Most of the flames can be found just outside towns/flight points or just off the road, and once you've done a few, you pretty much get the idea of where to look for the rest. Or you can be like me and find someone who's listed all the locations and go by that XD

Kady is progressing through the 70's, slower than through the 50's and 60's, but that's the whole point I guess. She's currently 74 and healing and dps-ing her way through Northrend dungeons. The last one she healed was Violet Hold, but before that she healed Azul'Nerub which is super difficult to heal. I want to say nobody died, but I think maybe there was one death because I didn't get a heal off fast enough...

Anyway, we had a warrior tank (not my favorite warrior tank from my friends list, but a decent tank just the same) and we also had a shammy which helped. I think I may have been the only one who had gone through AN before because I found myself describing boss fights, but we made it through without any wipes. Picked up some new shoes and a belt and getting that much closer to running Naxx. The other priest healer in our guild showed me the macros that he uses for healing and I also downloaded Grid and now my healing is better than ever! Of course, the more practice I get the better. The macros are mouse-over macros that allow me to heal whoever my cursor is over and Grid shows everyone in the party in a small, organized box, which lets me get my cursor over to someone quickly. I've only healed two instances so far with this system and already I can't remember how I healed without it!

Speaking of new gear, Ladelyia is currently wearing new shoulders (hard to see in the picture) and weilding a new staff. Specifically, the Spire of Withering Dreams. There is a druid in our group, but he came with us on his Shaman to be our third healer, and my hunter gal pal was visiting her mom and forgot her laptop, so I had absolutely zero compeition for this beauty. XD We managed to defeat Kologarn, who was the boss that dropped the staff, for the first time and it only took us a couple of tries... ;)


More later, off to go get a pedicure with my mom and sister!

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