Monday, June 1, 2009

Baby Hunter - Hunting as a Lowbie

As I typically do when bored on WoW, I created a new character. This time, I created a character with the intention to blog while playing. Meet Patu.

My new Draenei Hunter. Since it's been so long since I've had a lowbie hunter, I thought it would be fun to go through the first several levels and talk about what new hunters can expect. I have a Dwarf hunter on another realm (my current realm is old and can get super crowded sometimes, I also like to have toons pre-created in case my realm is offline for some reason) and Dwarves get a gun specialization, which I didn't know until I created her. So if you already know that you like guns, go with a Dwarf hunter, if you don't have a preference or if you'd like something a little quieter, Draenei and Night Elves can also be hunters. Since I already have a Night Elf, I opted for a Draenei this time :)

Level 1 - Welcome to Azuremyst Isle

Draenei hunters start off with something that Night Elves and Dwarves don't: Gift of the Naaru. From playing my priest, I already know that I love being able to self heal, so I'm totally digging this new hunter so far.

All hunters will start with 200 arrows/bullets in a quiver or ammo pouch. Since it is now post 3.1, the quiver/pouch is no longer necessary for holding ammo, so feel free to replace that as you see fit. Ammo also now stacks to 1,000 which makes what used to be a tiny little quiver/ammo pouch seem niiiiiice and large :) Your only real move/spell at this point is Raptor Strike, other than that you have "attack" and Auto Shot (which is your best friend at any level).

Right now, I'm off to do some starter quests :)

Holy Cow! 40 exp just filled up two whole bars on my experience bar! Enjoy it, it won't happen again after level 1, lol.

After killing just 7 Vale Moths and one Volatile Mutations, I hit level 2! I have to say that being surrounded by gold light when leveling is one of my favorite things, which is probably why Ladelyia is an achievement whore, I like the noise and the banner popping up XD.

Hunter trainer! I can now track beasts, something that I've taken for granted as of late. Although, when I see yellow dots on my mini map, I keep thinking they're herbs from playing Kady...Anyway, yellow dots mean that the beasts are not aggressive and won't attack you unless you provoke them. Red dots are aggressive, so keep an eye on how close to those you get if you're not looking for a fight.

Don't bother buying more bread and water (health and mana regen type stuff) because you'll loot enough of it later and you don't even really need it unless you're hardcore going after stuff. Hunters aren't going to use up that much mana early on, especially since we don't have many special shots. Health is never a bad thing to invest in, however, so if you are eating a lot of bread/cheese/whatever, be sure to stock up, it sucks to run out. The same thing goes for weapons and armor, you'll get better stuff as quests rewards than you can buy at this level anyway. If you've got a main with 1 gold to spare, that's a whole other story ;)

(got distracted by facebook...)

The upside I've found to being on an older server is that there are fewer people doing the starter quests. I'm currently the only one in my level range in the Ammen Fields. There are two 9's, an 11, and a 12, but that's it. I have everything to myself, killing of Mutated Root Lashers aplenty. I'm actually fighting one in the background as I type this, lol. Ooo a small blue pouch! Yay free bag!

Oh, if you don't have the addon QuestHelper from, get it. When you start doing instances, get another one called Deadly Boss Mods. They are two of the best addons you can have and will help you out sooo much.

Visiting the hunter trainer at level 4 will give you two things to learn: Aspect of the Monkey and Serpent Sting. Learn both. Aspect of the Monkey increases your dodge rating, which is something you need until you get your pet. Since this is the only aspect you can learn currently, you don't have to worry about the whole "one aspect active at a time" thing until later. Serpent Sting will also be your best friend (in addition to Auto Shot if you were paying attention earlier). Later you will receive bonuses for having Serpent Sting up, not to mention it's just all around awesome. It's a DOT, which means it does Damage Over Time, and we love those. The next things aren't available from the trainer until level 6 so don't worry about them now.

Since we don't get our first mount until level 30, and that's a long way off, I should let you in on something I didn't find out about until much later in the game. Auto Run. Go into your Options menu and check out Key Bindings. This will tell you what your default Auto Run button is (you can have two buttons for it actually, as with most other things) and let you change it if you so desire. I changed mine to Tab, so I don't remember what the default is, but I never used Tab to cycle through enemies anyway. You still have to steer when you're using Auto Run, think of it as cruise control for your character, you don't have to keep your foot on the pedal.

I'm now level 5 and off to Azure Watch. Once there, I'll stop at the Inn, make it my home, and log off for the night. On the way, definitely stop and do the quest at Ammen Ford because you'll get a free fishing rod and lure in addition to the exp. I have never had this quest go quite this easily. 10 casts of my net got me 10 Snappers and only one Murloc, who happened to drop a Snapper after I killed him! I definitely like doing starter quests while having the whole area to myself :) Went ahead and learned the fishing skill.

Got to Azure Watch, was close to leveling so I turned in my quests. Then headed to the hunter trainer and learned Arcane Shot (another good one) and Hunter's Mark. Also picked up first aid and I'm planning on doing leatherworking and skinning again since they are such a big help for getting armor as a lowbie hunter. I honestly don't know why more hunters are leatherworkers, you can learn to make mail eventuall just like hunters can learn to wear it. Oh well, more business for Ladelyia ^_^

Off to bed now so I can become rested irl ;)

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