As the majority of the people now know: the Cata patch dropped yesterday. I'm sure many people are enjoying it (or not in some cases) even right now. I have yet to be able to touch it. Not because I've been too busy (although, that's the reason for the lack of posts in the month of September), but because of my laptop's lack of hard drive space.
It downloaded just fine last night while I was sleeping (had it at work, and didn't want to download it on the clock, silly me), but when it went to install, it couldn't because there wasn't enough temporary space free. My laptop is almost four years old, the total hard drive space is 80GB, which I think iPods are either at or have surpassed. The patch needed close to 20GB free temporarily in order to install everything, something I just didn't have, so I had to make space. I cleared my pictures, music, anything I didn't need anymore (which included old patches). I thought I'd be set when I got to work this morning (brought it with me again today, have to stay late and didn't want to be without something fun to do) and the login screen was new and I had to agree to the terms and conditions. Much to my dismay, I couldn't log in. At all. I could enter my info, push "login", and then WoW would quit. The installer had error messages about not being able to delete some older patches (which I had deleted myself, it seems, prematurely), so I think that was probably the problem. The only solution I could really find was to uninstall WoW, and download the latest client (which includes 4.0.1 and doesn't need 20GB of temporary space), and re-install.
So that's what my laptop's been doing for the last, oh, 4 hours. It's at 34%. 3.0GB out of 7.4GB. I desperately want a new one, something faster with far more hard drive space so I don't run into this problem again. Super got on last night when the servers came up, and got to play this morning I'm sure. I have yet to see what in the world my poor Kady looks like, I have no idea what I'm going to do to her talent tree.
I need food...
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