Friday, September 18, 2009

Girls of Gates - Slumber Party Edition!

So, Nayana, Alindras, and I have been trying to have a slumber party for a couple of weeks now. Tonight, we're having it. I'm currently slightly intoxicated, just barely buzzing, but I'll write more as I get progressively worse (I hope). We started watching Tropic Thunder, but got to the point where we were talking over the movie more than watching it. Next we did the nose strip things, which I have never done before, so that was interesting, I've attached a video of me taking mine off below.

*video goes here*

We've paused the movie now and are listening to music on YouTube, apple bottom jeans with the furrrrr...Nayana is braiding Alindras' hair.

We're fairly intoxicated now, Alindras is describing a music video she wants to do, but it's highly inappropriate. We had been chatting with Darwe via google messanger, but he's wussed out and gone to bed (it's only 12:30am).

Me: "The Amish don't appreciate nudity."
Alindras: "Well, Pittsburgh does!"

It's morning, about 10am now, Nayana and I were up at 7, blech. We've been sitting and talking in the living room (also enjoying "Best of Craigslist" ads). Alindras came down and made us bacon and toast for breakfast, yummy!

It's also Pirate Day and I'm off to get some achievements :)

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