Sunday, January 10, 2010

We has Skoll <3

While herbing in Storm Peaks on Kady yesterday, I happened to see a worg down in the corner of my screen as I was flying just north of Brunnhildar Village. At first I didn't think anything of it until I realized that worgs aren't something I normally see while herbing in SP, so I stopped and turned around. Much to my immense joy, I saw lightning on this blue worg's fur and squealed with delight! While my main is a priest, let's not forget that my first 80 was/is a hunter and I'm very aware of what the spirit beasts look like and how rare they are to find.

Super was about to start dinner but I called him out of the kitchen and told him to hurry and get on his hunter (Ulfgarz) so he could tame this amazing beast (he likes worgs more than I do, I prefer the cat family of pets). Unfortunately, Ulf does not have Beast Mastery. He's a Survivalist and having switched to leveling Super almost right after hitting 80 on Ulf, the gold for dual-spec went to Super instead. Lade, however, does have dual-spec. I got it on her specifically so she could tame the worm pet (who I think I actually named recently though I can't for the life of me remember what it ended up being...).

Super got on his hunter anyway and we partied up. I camped Skoll on Kady while I waited for Ulf to show up and camp him while I got Lade over there. Thankfully, Lade wasn't too far away in the Argent Tourny Grounds and I logged and brought her over as quickly as I could. I had a minor panic attack when I saw a horde flying towards me while waiting for Ulf to arrive, it ended up being a Mage and they continued flying, thankfully. I was worried that they'd see Skoll and want to kill him or tell a horde hunter where he was, but that was the only sign of another player that we saw the whole time.

I arrived on Lade, ecstatic to see that Skoll was still alive and patroling his little spawn point, as I knew he was because Ulf was busy guarding him. I hopped off my mount, set a freezing trap, and began taming. With no other players around, and the freezing trap holding, the tame was easy as pie. I had my sparkly new Spirit Beast in mere seconds and was off to the Tourny Grounds again to show him off. I spent the whole day today using the random dungeon tool and playing with my new pet (whose name is Aemilia, which comes from Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors"). I've only seen one, maybe two, people on my server with this pet and I couldn't believe my luck to have stumbled across it the way I did, it almost makes me want to track down and tame the other Spirit Beasts. Almost ;)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Race Change and a Perky Pug

Besides doing Thanksgiving and Christmas achievements on two toons, I've been enjoying 3.3 changes, especially the new dungeon finder tool. But, first things first: who did I change?

One of my Christmas presents to myself was a race change for one of my toons. I've been thinking about doing it for a while, just as a change that's not a new alt (it's the same kind of thing as when I go get my hair cut, a dramatic change that's not actually too dramatic), and Christmas was the perfect excuse to spend some money on myself. I thought about changing Ladelyia to a Dwarf hunter, but if I was going to spend money on a toon, it was going to be a toon that I played a lot. I thought about my warrior tank that I'm raising up (dinged 70 the other day with my hubby's shammy!), but also didn't want to spend money on a toon that wasn't level capped either. That left Kady.

Kady, my pretty little Human priest. The one I raid with, the one I do dailies on. My main. Could I change the one I spent so much time with, the one I brought up from a little level 1 who started as a lark? Fo sho. It took a little while to decide which race to go with. On Lade, the choice would have been easy: Dwarf. I liked the idea of having a priest with Stoneblood, something I could use to at least remove the poisons on myself. I still liked the idea of having a pretty priest and I think the Dwarf females are cute, but not pretty. I already had a Night Elf so I didn't want to go there again (I'm not a fan of the ears or the unibrow) and that left having a Draenai.

Draenai. Aside from the hooves, there's not a sexier race than the Draenai imo. Tall, sleek, even the tails are sexy. My absolute favorite hairstyle with the female Draenais are the two pigtails, all of my alt Draenais start out with them. I also liked that I could have another HOT, Gift of The Naaru, to use either in my "oh-shit-heal-myself" macro or on another raid member. So really, there was no other choice, I now am the proud player of a Draenai priest. :)

(I didn't go with the two pigtails for Kady yet. However, she does have a ponytail and what appears to be 3 "bump-its" in her hair XD)

My Perky Pug.

OMG, it might be the cutest pet ever. I love the corehound puppy that everyone with an authenticator got, as ugly as it is, it's still adorable because it's a puppy. So it's ugly in a really cute way, or cute in a really ugly way, I'm not sure.

The pug looks like a real dog, which stands out and looks unusual in the visual style of WoW. But the part that won me over, besides the fact that you can see fur on it, was the fact that it rubs it's but all over the ground. It's hysterical. And the fact that I got it by doing random dungeons, earning emblems, and keeping my heals up to snuff, makes it even better.